How to Get Started as a Solopreneur
A solopreneur - if you’ve never even come across that word before - is someone who works entirely by themselves, for themselves.
As a solo business person, the buck starts and stops with you.
How to Get Started as a Solopreneur is perfect for you if:
- You’re thinking about becoming a solopreneur but don’t know where to start, or,
- You’re already a solopreneur but need a little guidance in a few areas, especially in regards to growth
Who is this book for?
Part 1: Solopreneurship 101
1. How to get started as a solopreneur
2. How to talk about being a solopreneur
3. Do solopreneurs need a big following on social media?
4. Are you afraid to leave your 9-5 job to pursue solopreneurship?
5. How to earn as a solopreneur
6. How to deal with rejection as a solopreneur
7. Underused promotion channels for solopreneurs
8. Key focal points for solopreneurs
Part 2: Self-Preservation
9. Don’t underestimate how much you know (that others don’t)
10. Avoiding the Comparison Trap
11. Capitalising on your Unfair Advantage
12. You no longer have to be an expert to offer expert advice
13. The get-rich-quick mindset will kill your strategy fast
14. How to succeed by helping others succeed first
Part 3: Platform Growth
15. Growing your platform on social media
16. How to build your audience from scratch
17. How to grow within the online community that grows your online audience
18. Magic Number 7
19. What makes a good newsletter?
20. How to supercharge your newsletter content
Your Next Steps
Ready to dive in?
A 57-page ebook packed with insights and guidance for new and existing solopreneurs.